Thursday, May 1, 2008

Diging Idea

Idea article can when justly come. [Is] the same as with mood. Hence idea come can any time and wherever, [do] not limit [by] time and room. That idea might possibly come [at] our sleep dream. Idea come our moment might possibly [is] pondering [in] corset of toilet. Hence so that idea come we have to immediately tuli [him/ it] in your jotter. Of course we have to provide special book to note amendable article ideas become a article, short story, or book / novel.

just Only is [of] idea usually [do] not come its its[his] dengans. Idea come [is] result of process of kristalisasi idea which pursuant to perception, hearing and experience. Perception consist of process visualizing in the form of reading article, perceiving a problem, and others related to visualisation process. While relied on idea a experience [is] a[n activity or work which we have [do/conduct] might possibly become a idea which you can write to become a certifiable article.

Idea can come because we have heard story or pass backtalk with our talking opponent. Idea also can come because third combination [of] base the happening of process of kristalisasi idea. So that might possibly in a[n time in our marrow popping out many ideas which can be made [by] a article. Idea just becoming idea if/when we [do] not develop to become a article which can enjoy [by] many people.

By developing idea become a elaborate article and detail hence we will be able to enjoy [by] many people if/when made a book. When we have had many idea [is] to be able to made [by] a book. Hence which need to be [done/conducted] [by] [is] to net and filter the the idea which which more competent to [is] immediately written to become a book copy. Elegibility here its intention wait if/when article we have been written to become a book copy hence will enthused [by] many people to be bought and read.

Because without both the things hence article we will not have benefit value both for others and also ownself. Benefit to ownself might possibly its for [is] got items because writing the and other benefit [of] that idea can make we think to deepen furthermore about a problem which we discuss in article. Thereby hence activity write the including study process for us. Cause to develop a idea become required [by] circumstantial and long article [of] good reference as reference base will even also as comparator.

Hence before writing we [is] its law [is] obliged to to read, to hearing, perceiving, and even check. Likely [in] this world [is] we will never run out of to dig idea which can be made [by] a article. Idea can be found wherever even when asleep you once even also pass dream. Real correct, dream can become the source of idea to write a copy.

Imitating Creative

Most of all writer [is] creative faker. [There] no in fact money masterpiece of orisinil. Writer imitate from all that see of, the hearing of, the feeling of, and thinking of of. Through process of kristalisasi idea hence going out a idea to be made [by] article. Not possible (to) a writer without have read. Isn'T it true that by reading hence what read of terekam in our marrow later;then become the source of inspiration to be written.

Process imitate creative cannot be referred [as] [by] plagiarism because of course we is not out of hand others article paste meng-copy. We know a lot of book about writing. Start from Composing [Is] Easy ( Arswendo Atmowiloto-1982), later;then emerge To Write Scenario [Is] Easy ( Gola Gong-1997), [So That/ To Be] Menulis-Mengarang [Is] Easy ( Andrias Harefa-2002), Writing Article [Is] Easy ( Nurudin-2002). Isn'T it true that that written book [all] last third writer [is] a process imitate creatively.

Read from its just title of course we can know that there is process imitate creatively [done/conducted] by third writer. So even also with this book, of course [do] not orisinil. There [is] process imitate which [is] writer [do/conduct]. Its title [of] me try to imitate book title of How A Smart Writer be to ( Afifah Afra-200..). As for term of writerpreneur my find [at] Writerpreneur.Com website property of Jonru Ginting a more keying up writer [of] x'self become writerpreneur [in] illusory world.

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